What are your visiting hours?2018-11-07T14:13:17+00:00

We recommend visiting during our posted visiting hours: 6:00 a.m. until 8:00 p.m. If you need to visit after regular visiting hours, please call in advance to ensure access.

Can I visit if I have been sick recently?2018-11-07T14:13:43+00:00

To avoid the spread of germs, we highly recommend that sick individuals or visitors that have recently been ill wait until they are healed, feeling better, and no longer contagious before visiting the Nursing Home.

Can Children Visit?2018-11-07T14:13:59+00:00

We encourage children to visit. All children must be accompanied by an adult.

Can I go home/tale my loved one home for a visit?2018-11-07T14:14:20+00:00

Patients may leave the Nursing Home on a pass with a physician’s authorization, which can be arranged through the nursing staff. Upon arrival and departure, the patient or patient representative must sign the Sign-In/Sign-Out book, located at the nurse’s desk.

What articles of clothing should we bring?2018-11-07T14:14:42+00:00

We recommend approximately five changes of clothing and a pair of comfortable rubber-soled shoes. All articles should be washed, clearly labeled with resident’s name in permanent ink and entered into the patients’ personal inventory log in the medical chart. Other personal items should be marked or engraved for identification. We advise that patients do not keep valuable jewelry or large amounts of cash in the facility.

How is laundry done?2018-11-07T14:14:56+00:00

All personal clothing is washed in an industrial washing machine at a temperature of 180-degrees. Make sure your loved ones clothing is appropriate for washing and drying in these hot temperatures. Avoid bringing clothing that requires cold or warm water, special care, or is subject to damage and fading. All clothing must be labeled. Please label the clothing with the resident’s name, NOT the room number or initials. Mark clearly and in large letters on the inside neckline or waistband. All items must be marked including socks, shoes, and other personal items. If you wish to take a family member’s laundry home, please let the nursing station know so staff can place a sign on the closet door notifying housekeeping staff members to leave the clothing for family pick-up.

Is smoking permitted in the facility?2018-11-07T14:15:16+00:00

Hardin Home Nursing Home is the only facility in the county that still give permission to the residents to smoke. We will assign an employee to make sure your loved ones are safe. Please ask the Administrator about designated outdoor smoking area.

Can I bring in my or my loved ones favorite food?2018-11-07T14:15:38+00:00

Consistent with the provision of special diets, always consult with the nursing staff before bringing food to patients. Any food kept in the patient’s room must be in properly sealed containers and dated. Any spoiled food will be discarded.

Can I choose my own roomate?2018-11-07T14:15:58+00:00

The Nursing Home tries to place individuals together as roommates who have common interests and habits. If there is some reason roommates cannot get along in their shared room, they may be able to request a room change.

Will I or my loved one’s room have a television?2018-11-07T14:16:25+00:00
Most of our rooms have televisions provided, along with local access.
Can I or my loved one receive mail?2018-11-07T14:17:13+00:00

Mail is delivered to patients personally on a daily basis except for weekends and holidays.
Using the following mailing address format when sending correspondence to a resident:

Park Rest Health Center

Attn: ___________________ Room No. __________

85 Shelby Dr N,

Savannah, Tennessee 38372.

What do I/we do if I/we have personnel concerns?2018-11-07T14:17:41+00:00
Our primary concern is that your loved one feels comfortable here at Hardin Home Nursing Home and that their needs are being met. You should feel secure and at ease with our staff members, particularly those providing direct care. If you have any concerns or praise for our staff members, please feel free to contact our Administrator or Director of Nursing. They will be able to address your questions and concerns.
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